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Fertilisation and seeding machines

The “Fertilization and seeding machines” theme, with its combined research resources and human skills, is helping to develop the new fertilization and seeding machines needed for the agro-ecological transition.

Existing equipment and infrastructure

Existing original and structuring means of investigation can be mobilized.

On the Montoldre site


INRAE-TSCF’s Plateau de Recherche Technologique (PRT) at Montoldre (03) aims to improve the efficiency of spreading processes, by optimizing machines and spreading products (granules, compost, etc.). The Cemib and Cemob research and test benches measure and characterize spreader sheets (rotary measurement process for the Cemib and traditional transverse measurement process for the Cemob). The 3D measurements obtained enable more objective analyses of spreading performance (mapping of ground distributions, homogeneity, etc.). It is also possible to quantify a product’s suitability for wide-area spreading, or to assess the impact of an optimized spreading device.


New equipment and infrastructure

New structuring facilities and infrastructures

This dedicated equipment for developing new seeding machines is the subject of major investment, both technically and financially. Like all the new AgroTechnoPôle infrastructures currently under construction, they benefit from public financial support (Conseil Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, CPER, etc.) and contributions from some of the Lead Companies granted during the platform’s deployment phase (2021-2024).

Section 6: Research and seeding test bench

Among the operations that make up the technical itinerary of the crop production cycle, it is certainly the sowing operation that is already leading to spectacular changes in practices in the field, in full participation and support of the agro-ecological transition. Many seed drill manufacturers now offer the possibility of sowing associated crops (e.g. several varieties of wheat sown together, companion plant sowing, multi-species sowing) at different densities, depths and spatial distributions.

banc semoir
Schematic representation of the future seeding equipment characterization bench

In order to support and reinforce the development of seeding equipment in the fields of precise spatio-temporal placement of seeds in the soil, the AgroTechnoPôle platform, questioned and encouraged for a long time by the manufacturers BUREL Production and KUHN, has decided to develop an initial research and test bench designed to characterize the Transverse (RT) and Longitudinal (RL) distribution of seeds at the outlet of the seeding units of seeding machines. A second bench will then focus on the ability to characterize seedling Depth Distribution (DD), even if this is a challenge in itself.

This bench will help us to understand the phenomena at work in the various stages of seed drills, and thus facilitate the development of the seeding machines of the future, capable of high-precision, multi-species seeding at different depths in a single pass, combined with localized fertilizer application, and characterizing longitudinal placement to achieve the optimum agronomic balance for each species.

The Transversal and Longitudinal Distribution characterization bench will eventually be able to join and serve as a potential support for standardization.

mesure distribution transversale
mesure distribution longitudinale
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